Artemisia borealis

(Boreal Sage)


Artemisia borealis, Hoosier Pass, Park Co. 7575


Artemisia borealis, Loveland Pass, Summit Co. 1492


Artemisia borealis, Loveland Pass, Summit Co. 1495


Artemisia borealis, Loveland Pass, Clear Creek Co. 1748


Artemisia borealis, Loveland Pass, Summit Co. 1501


Artemisia borealis, Loveland Pass, Clear Creek Co. 1752


Artemisia borealis, Hoosier Pass, Park Co. 7579

Scientific Name Artemisia borealis (Artemisia campestris ssp. borealis var. borealis, Artemisia campestris var. purshii) USDA PLANTS Symbol ARBO4
Common Name Boreal Sage, Field Sagewort, Northern Wormwood ITIS Taxonomic Serial No.35437
Family Asteraceae (Sunflower) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Montane to alpine (9500 to 13000 ft.); sandy, gravelly areas in meadows and tundra slopes.
Plant: Erect perennial with floral spikes 6 to 28 inches tall; reddish stems with silky hairs.
Leaves: Light green, smooth to hairy leaves, ovate in outline, 3/4 to 1-5/8 inches long and less than 1/2-inch wide; 2 to 3 times pinnately-compound or ternate, ultimate segments are linear to oblong; mostly basal (in rosettes) and a few stem leaves.
Inflorescence: Narrow, condensed, spike-like panicle with several to many small composite flower heads, each less than 1/4-inch across, with 5 to 30 disk florets; corollas (or lobes) yellow-orange or deep red; hemispherical, silky/hairy involucres.
Bloom Period: July and August.
References: A. campestris var. purshii in "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield; A. borealis in SW Colorado Wildflowers and Flora of North America.
Note: This plant has a large number of synonyms, many more than are shown here; for simplicity, and to conform to the ITIS-accepted name, the plant is listed as . A. borealis.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains