Chenopodium leptophyllum

(Narrowleaf Goosefoot)


Chenopodium leptophyllum, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7318


Chenopodium berlandieri, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7323


Chenopodium berlandieri, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7316


Chenopodium berlandieri, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7310

Scientific Name Chenopodium leptophyllum USDA PLANTS Symbol CHLE4
Common Name Narrowleaf Goosefoot ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 20616
Family Amaranthaceae (Amaranth) formerly Chenopodiaceae SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains to montane (5000 to 9000 ft.); gravelly or sandy soils in open areas, shrubland, and coniferous forests.
Plant: Erect annual usually branching from base; 1 to a few stems 4 to 24 inches tall; stems, leaves and flowers covered with white powdery substance (farinose).
Leaves:Blades linear, 1-veined, 1/4 to 1-5/8 inches long; short petioles less than 1/4-inch long; margins are entire; undersides densely farinose, upper surface less so.
Inflorescence: Inconspicuous green, farinose flowers in dense, small irregular glomerules (ball-like clusters of small flowers), widely spaced in long spikes (panicles); each flower about 1/4-inch across or less with 5 sepals or perianth lobes, no petals; leaflike bracts in lower part of spike.
Bloom Period: July to September.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, Burke Herbarium and SEINet.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains