Convolvulus arvensis

(Field Bindweed)


Convolvulus arvensis, Overland Trail Recreation Area, Sterling, Logan Co. 6997


Convolvulus arvensis, Picture Canyon, Comanche National Grassland, Baca Co. 9799


Convolvulus arvensis, North of Canon City on Hwy 9, Fremont Co. 0689


Convolvulus arvensis, North of Canon City on Hwy 9, Fremont Co. 0697


Convolvulus arvensis, Overland Trail Recreation Area, Sterling, Logan Co. 7002


Convolvulus arvensis, Overland Trail Recreation Area, Sterling, Logan Co. 7000


Convolvulus arvensis, North of Canon City on Hwy 9, Fremont Co. 0699

Scientific Name Convolvulus arvensis USDA PLANTS Symbol COAR4
Common Name Field Bindweed ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 30705
Family Convolvulaceae (Morning-glory) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains to foothills (3500-8500 ft); disturbed areas along roadsides and in fields.
Plant: Creeping perennial vine often forming large patches; slender, branching stems, 8 to 48 inches long; foliage smooth to somewhat hairy.
Leaves: Alternate on short petioles; blades variable, from less than 1 to almost 4 inches long and up to 2-3/8 inches across, oblong to ovate, usually with hastate base.
Inflorescence: White or with pink stripes to pink funnel-shaped blossoms from leaf axils with 1-3 flowers per node on long peduncles; 5 sepals; 5 petals, shallowly-lobed or with wavy edges, fused together, up to 1 inch across.
Bloom Period: April to October.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield and SEINet.
BONAP Distribution Map

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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains