Dalea candida

(White Prairie Clover)


Dalea candida, Pawnee Buttes, Weld Co. 7467


Dalea candida, Pawnee Buttes, Weld Co. 7452


Dalea candida, Pawnee Buttes, Weld Co. 7407


Dalea candida, Pawnee Buttes, Weld Co. 7411


Dalea candida, Pawnee Buttes, Weld Co. 7414

Scientific Name Dalea candida USDA PLANTS Symbol DACA7
Common Name White Prairie Clover ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 26603
Family Fabaceae (Pea) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains to foothills (5000 to 7200 ft); sandy and rocky soils in prairies, woodland openings and roadsides.
Plant: Erect perennial with several smooth, stout, ascending to spreading, branching stems.
Leaves: Stem leaves are alternate at widely spaced intervals and pinnately-compound 1-1/4 to 2 inches long; 5 to 9 elliptic to oblanceolate leaflets per leaf, each 1/3 to 1 inch long; smooth upper surface, tiny glands on lower surface.
Inflorescence: Compact cylindrical or ovoid spike less than 1 inch to 2-1/2 inches tall and about 1/3 inch in diameter; small (1/4-inch) white pea-like flowers; 5 stamens with white filaments and yellow anthers; long, pointed, white style protrudes beyond stamens; 5 pointed, green calyx lobes below.
Bloom Period: June to September.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, American Southwest and SEINet.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains