Daucus carota

(Queen Anne’s Lace)


Daucus carota, North of Paonia, Delta Co. 2758


Daucus carota, North of Paonia, Delta Co. 2765


Daucus carota, North of Paonia, Delta Co. 2785


Daucus carota, North of Paonia, Delta Co. 2776

Scientific Name Daucus carota USDA PLANTS Symbol DACA6
Common Name Queen Anne's Lace ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 29477
Family Apiaceae (Parsley) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains to foothills (5000 to 7500 ft); along streams and moist areas in meadows and slopes.
Plant: Erect biennial with a rosette of basal leaves during the first year and flowering stalks the second; second year plants 2 to 5 ft. tall; central stem of second year plants somewhat branched, light green, sometimes tinted red, with vertical veins, nearly smooth to slightly hairy.
Leaves: Overall appearance of compound leaves rather lacy or fern-like; blades bipinnate-pinnatifid or pinnate-bipinnatifid 5 inches long and 2-1/2 inches across overall with small ultimate segments 1/8 to 3/8-inch long, oblong-linear or narrowly rhombic in shape; margins sometimes sparsely ciliate; basal rosette leaves on long, slender petioles; stem leaves alternate.
Inflorescence: Solitary compound umbels of very small flowers 2 to 5 inches across on long naked stalks; compound umbel has 20 to 90 umbellets, and each umbellet has 15 to 60 flowers; each flower less than 1/8-inch across with 5 white petals with incurved tips; small number of linear bractlets below each umbellet and several bracts below the main umbel that are pinnatifid with linear lobes.
Bloom Period: July to September.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield and Illinois Wildflowers.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains