Hackelia floribunda

(Manyflower Stickseed)


Hackelia floribunda, Breckenridge, Summit Co. 6464


Hackelia floribunda, Breckenridge, Summit Co. 6453


Hackelia floribunda, Ripple Creek Pass, Rio Blanco Co. 1257


Hackelia floribunda, Booth Falls Trail, Eagle Co. 4364


Hackelia floribunda, Booth Falls Trail, Eagle Co. 4356


Hackelia floribunda, Boreas Pass Rd., Park Co. 0399


Hackelia floribunda, Breckenridge, Summit Co. 0983


Hackelia floribunda, Ripple Creek Pass, Rio Blanco Co. 1269

Scientific Name Hackelia floribunda USDA PLANTS Symbol HAFL2
Common Name Manyflower Stickseed, Tall Forget-me-not ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 31927
Family Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Foothills to subalpine (5600 to 10500 ft.); meadows, streamsides, clearings, hillsides and roadsides.
Plant: Biennial 1 to 5 feet tall; single or a few stout, hairy, fleshy stems.
Leaves: Alternate, fleshy, oblanceolate to narrowly-elliptic leaves 2 to 9 inches long, hairy beneath; lower leaves stalked, middle and upper leaves sessile.
Inflorescence: Clusters of small cup-shaped blossoms, terminal and from leaf axils, pale blue with yellow/white center; each with corolla tube divided into 5 spreading lobes about 1/3-inch across or less around a narrow central tube.
Bloom Period: May to August.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, American Southwest and "Guide to Colorado Wildflowers" by G.K. Guennel and SEINet.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains