(Iron Ipomopsis)


Ipomopsis laxiflora, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7372


Ipomopsis laxiflora, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7372


Ipomopsis laxiflora, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7368


Ipomopsis laxiflora, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7378


Ipomopsis laxiflora, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7360


Ipomopsis laxiflora, Lathrop State Park, Huerfano Co. 7348

Scientific Name Ipomopsis laxiflora USDA PLANTS Symbol IPLA2
Common Name Iron Ipomosis, Iron Skyrocket ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 31212
Family Polemoniaceae (Phlox) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains and foothills (3500 to 7000 ft.); sandy soils in open areas; prairies, sandhills, and grasslands.
Plant: Erect, delicate annual or biennial with branching, smooth to slightly hairy stems; 10 to 16 inches tall.
Leaves: Alternate, lower leaves deeply pinnately-divided into 3 to 5 narrow linear segments 0.2 to 0.6-inch long; upper leaves with no or few lobes.
Inflorescence: Solitary or a loose cluster of a few small, white to bluish flowers less than 0.4-inch across; corolla with a (relatively) long floral tube 0.4 to nearly an inch long with 5 lobes flared at right angles to the tube (salverform); anthers don't extend beyond the floral tube, the stigma, slightly longer; calyx has 5 spine-tipped sepals less than 1/4-inch long.
Bloom Period: May to September.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston, and SEINet.
Note: Similar to I. longiflora, but shorter and more delicate with smaller leaves and flowers.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains