

Lepidium virginicum, Four Mile Area, Chaffee Co. 6283


Lepidium virginicum, Four Mile Area, Chaffee Co. 6271


Lepidium virginicum, Four Mile Area, Chaffee Co. 9830


Lepidium virginicum, Four Mile Area, Chaffee Co. 9812


Lepidium virginicum, Four Mile Area, Chaffee Co. 9828


Lepidium virginicum, Four Mile Area, Chaffee Co. 6279

Scientific Name Lepidium virginicum USDA PLANTS Symbol LEVI3
Common Name Peppergrass, Virginia Pepperweed ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 22955
Family Brassicaceae (Mustard) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Widely distributed in North America; in Colorado, plains to foothills (5000 to 9500 ft.); dry, usually open areas.
Plant: Erect, leafy annual 4 to 20 inches tall.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; lower leaves 2 to 6 inches long, spatulate to obovate, with a few pointed teeth along edges (pinnately lobed to dissected); upper leaves not clasping, smaller than lower leaves, linear to oblanceolate, tips pointed, sometimes toothed edges, sparsely hairy.
Inflorescence: Multiple clusters (racemes) up to 4 inches long with many small flowers each with 4 green sepals, 4 white petals nearly twice as long as sepals, and 2 to 4 stamens.
Bloom Period: May to August.
Fruit: Small, flattened round to elliptical green pod (turning brownish) about 1/8-inch long.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield and SEINet.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains