Lupinus bakeri

(Baker's Lupine)


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3156


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3162


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3157


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3177


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3168


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3172


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3174


Lupinus bakeri, FR 788 near Old Agency, Saguache Co. 3193

Scientific Name Lupinus bakeri USDA PLANTS Symbol LUBA3
Common Name Baker's Lupine ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 25961
Family Fabaceae (Pea) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Foothills and montane; drier soils in meadows, among sagebrush, and open woodlands.
Plant: Erect perennial 2 to 3 feet tall, with multiple, tufted, reddish stems growing in large clumps.
Leaves: Palmately-divided leaves on long petioles with 7 to 9 leaflets, each narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 1 to 1-3/4 inches long with acute tips; both surfaces appear pale or ashy with pubescent hairs.
Inflorescence: Many pea-like light to dark blue, to purplish blossoms about 3/8-inch long arranged in whorls in a raceme 4 to 8 inches long; hairy calyx and raceme stem.
Bloom Period: June and July.
References: "Guide to Colorado Wildflowers" by G.K. Guennel, "Pittonia Vol. IV" by Edward L. Greene, page 132 and Wildflowers of the Southern Rocky Mountains
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains