Mertensia alpina

(Alpine Bluebells)


Mertensia alpina, Straight Creek Trail, Summit Co. 5017


Mertensia alpina, Straight Creek Trail, Summit Co. 5023


Mertensia alpina, Loveland Pass, Clear Creek Co. 9321


Mertensia alpina, Loveland Pass, Clear Creek Co. N2017


Mertensia alpina, Straight Creek Trail, Summit Co. 5024


Mertensia alpina, Straight Creek Trail, Summit Co. 5026

Scientific Name Mertensia alpina USDA PLANTS Symbol MEAL7
Common Name Alpine Bluebells ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 31665
Family Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Subalpine to alpine (11000 to 14000 ft). Meadows, tundra, rocky open areas.
Plant: Leafy perennial 2 to 8 inches tall, may be branched from base, stems prostrate or upright.
Leaves: Basal and stem leaves, linear-lanceolate to oblong, 1/2 to 2-3/4 inches long, short hairs on upper surfaces, smooth beneath, lateral veins obscure.
Inflorescence: Clusters of small bell-shaped blossoms about 1/3-inch long atop stems, often pointing upward; corolla tubes with yellowish centers and 5 deep blue lobes; 5 pointed sepals united at base; anthers do not extend beyond tubes.
Bloom Period: June to August.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield and Montana Field Guide, etal.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains