Penstemon caespitosus

(Mat Penstemon)


Penstemon caespitosus, Troublesome Creek, Grand Co. 0161


Penstemon caespitosus, Troublesome Creek, Grand Co. 0164


Penstemon caespitosus, Troublesome Creek, Grand Co. 0158


Penstemon caespitosus, Troublesome Creek, Grand Co. 0155


Penstemon caespitosus, Troublesome Creek, Grand Co. 0167

Scientific Name Penstemon caespitosus USDA PLANTS Symbol PECA4
Common Name Mat Penstemon ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 33839
Family Plantaginaceae (Plantain) formerly Scrophulariaceae SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Foothills and montane (6000 to 9500 ft); dry sandy, rocky shale soils on hillsides and open areas.
Plant: Mat-forming perennial in low tufts to 2 inches tall; slender, prostrate, creeping stems rooting at nodes.
Leaves: Narrow, thick linear to obovate or spatulate, leaves up to 3/4-inch long densely covered with short hairs that angle backward.
Inflorescence: Blue-purple flowers; corolla has a two-lobed upper lip and three-lobed lower lip and is up to 1/4-inch long; corolla widens below the middle; hairy, white-ish throat; pedicels, sepals and calyx are glandular hairy; narrow calyx teeth angled away from the base of the corolla; four stamens with white filaments and purple anthers; staminode is straight, and densely covered with orange-ish hairs.
Bloom Period: May to August.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, American Southwest and Missouri Plants.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains