Penstemon penlandii

(Penland's Beardtongue)


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0251


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0184


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0188


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0190


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0179


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0197


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0200


Penstemon penlandii, Kremmling Area, Grand Co.  0266

Scientific Name Penstemon penlandii USDA PLANTS Symbol PEPE25
Common Name Penland's Beardtongue, Kremmling Beardtongue ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 196189
Family Plantaginaceae (Plantain) formerly Scrophulariaceae Flora of North America Ref. Click Here
Description Life zones and habitat: Narrow range of foothills elevations (7500 to 7700 ft); drier, selenium-rich clay soils on barren white to tan clay or shale slopes and among sagebrush; endemic to a small area in Grand County.
Plant: Compact, clumping perennial with ascending to erect hairy stems; 3 to 10 inches tall.
Leaves: Very narrow, linear basal and stem leaves with rolled-up edges, 3/8 to 3-1/8 inches long; sessile, with tapered bases and pointed tips.
Inflorescence: Brilliant blue to bluish-violet flowers arranged in clusters (a thyrse) along one side of the stem; 5-lobed corolla is 5/8-inch long, funnel-shaped; stamens with purplish filaments and dark anthers, not protruding; staminode with yellowish-orange hairs; calyx lobes are lanceolate, less than 1/4-inch long, smooth or with sparse glands.
Bloom Period: June and July.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, US Fish & Wildlife Service and Flora of North America.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains