Scientific Name | Penstemon watsonii | USDA PLANTS Symbol | PEWA |
Common Name | Watson's Beardtongue, Watson's Penstemon | ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. | 33791 |
Family | Plantaginaceae (Plantain) formerly Scrophulariaceae | SEINet Reference |
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Description |
Life zones and habitat: Foothills and montane (6700 to 9100 ft). Dry, rocky or gravelly soils; hillsides with sagebrush or scrub, sometimes in pine woodlands. Plant: Erect perennial 10 to 24 inches tall, several stems in a clump; smooth or sparsely hairy stems. Leaves: Few or no basal leaves: stem leaves are opposite, oblanceolate to lanceolate 1-3/16 to 3-1/8 inches long, and 1/3 to 3/4-inches+ wide with entire margins; sparsely hair or smooth surfaces. Inflorescence: Blue to violet flowers in a thryse with 6 to 10 verticillasters (similar to whorls); each 5-lobed flower almost 1 inch long, smooth or minutely hairless corolla, externally, and hairy on the lower lip; four stamens with hairless dark purple anthers, staminode (unfertile stamen in center) with small yellow hairs along its length and at tip; short calyx with 5 lobes. Bloom Period: June and July. References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, and American Southwest. |
BONAP Distribution Map Map Color Key | Colorado Status: Native |
© Tom Lebsack 2024
Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains