(Blue Elderberry)


Sambucus cerulea, 46.0 Rd. west of Aguilar, Las Animas Co. 7100


Sambucus cerulea, 46.0 Rd. west of Aguilar, Las Animas Co. 7120


Sambucus cerulea, 46.0 Rd. west of Aguilar, Las Animas Co. 7114


Sambucus cerulea, 46.0 Rd. west of Aguilar, Las Animas Co. 7108


Sambucus cerulea, 46.0 Rd. west of Aguilar, Las Animas Co. 7124

Scientific Name Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea (Sambucus cerulea) USDA PLANTS Symbol SANIC5
Common Name Blue Elderberry ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 525080
Family Adoxaceae (Muskroot), formerly Caprifoliaceae SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains to montane (4500 to 9000 ft.); moist soils along streamsides, in woodland openings and moist areas within drier, more open areas.
Plant: Shrub 6-1/2 to 13 ft. tall with several stems; gray or brown, furrowed bark; stout, angled twigs.
Leaves: Deciduous, opposite, pinnately-compound leaves with 5 to 9 leaflets, each 1-1/4 to 5 inches long, lanceolate to elliptic with serrate edges; smooth, green upper surfaces, pale green, smooth or pubescent lower surfaces.
Inflorescence: White or cream-colored flowers in a nearly flat-topped compound cyme at tops of stems 2 to 6 inches wide; each blossom 1/8 to 1/4-inch across with 5 petals and stamens; anthers are yellowish.
Bloom Period: May to August.
Fruit: Clusters of juicy berries, 1/4-inch or less in diameter, bluish-black or purplish-black with whitish coating.
References: S. cerulea in "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield and Burke Herbarium; S. nigra ssp. cerulea in US Forest Service and SEINet
BONAP Distribution Map

Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea

Map Color Key
Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains