Allium brandegeei

(Brandegee’s Onion)


Allium brandegeei, CR 12, Kebler Pass, Gunnison Co. 3893


Allium brandegeei, CR 12, Kebler Pass, Gunnison Co. 3897


Allium brandegeei, CR 12, Kebler Pass, Gunnison Co. 3889

Scientific Name Allium brandegeei USDA PLANTS Symbol ALBR
Common Name Brandegee's Onion ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 42716
Family Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Plains to subalpine (3900 to 10800 ft.); sandy, rocky soils.
Plant: Short, erect perennial 3 to 10 inches tall.
Leaves: One or two narrow, green, linear leaves 3 to 10 inches long, usually persistent (lasting until bloom time).
Inflorescence: Erect, compact umbel atop a short (1 to 3-inch long) scape; 8 to 25 bell-shaped flowers with white lanceolate to elliptic tepals with prominent green to purplish midvein; two ovate spathe bracts with pointed tips just below the umbel.
Bloom Period: May to July.
Reference: "The Alpine Flora of the Rocky Mountains" by Richard W. Scott, Flora of North America and USDA Plants.
Note: Flowers had yet to open in the images above.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains