Collinsia parviflora

(Blue-eyed Mary)


Collinsia parviflora, Lower Cataract Lake, Summit Co. 3715


Collinsia parviflora, Lower Cataract Lake, Summit Co. 3722


Collinsia parviflora, Lower Cataract Lake, Summit Co. 3720


Collinsia parviflora, Lower Cataract Lake, Summit Co. 3729

Scientific Name Collinsia parviflora USDA PLANTS Symbol COPA3
Common Name Blue-eyed Mary ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 33534
Family Plantaginaceae (Plantain) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Foothills and montane (5500 to 9700 ft.); moist soils in grasslands, rocky slopes, and along shady forest edges.
Plant: Erect to spreading annual from 2 to 8 inches tall; easily overlooked plant.
Leaves: Lower stem leaves short-petiolate and spatulate or rounded with entire margins. Mid and upper stem leaves have reduced petioles or are sessile and narrowly elliptic, oblong, or linear; may appear whorled; up to 2 inches long and up to 1/2-inch wide.
Inflorescence: One or more very small flowers about 1/8-inch long in the axils of the upper leaves; two-lipped with two larger upper lobes and three smaller lower lobes with the middle lobe folded onto itself like a keel (as in peas); corolla tube bends near the base over the lower side of the calyx at an oblique angle.
Bloom Period: April to June.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield and Flora and Fauna Northwest.
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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains