Descurainia incana

(Mountain Tansy-mustard)


Descurainia incana, Hoosier Ridge, Summit Co. 4816


Descurainia incana, Hoosier Ridge, Summit Co. 4801


Descurainia incana, Hoosier Ridge, Summit Co. 9461


Descurainia incana, Hoosier Ridge, Summit Co. 9436


Descurainia incana, Mayflower Gulch, Summit Co. 4778


Descurainia incana, Mayflower Gulch, Summit Co. 4765


Descurainia incana, Hoosier Ridge, Summit Co. 4809


Descurainia incana, Hoosier Ridge, Summit Co. 9428

Scientific Name Descurainia incana USDA PLANTS Symbol DEIN5
Common Name Mountain Tansy-mustard ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 502003
Family Brassicaceae (Mustard) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Foothills to subalpine (5300 to 11500 ft.); gravelly areas, grassy slopes, steep rocky slopes, roadsides, disturbed sites, meadows, prairies.
Plant: Erect biennial 10 to 48 inches tall; thin, leafy stem, smooth or slightly hairy, not glandular, with branches above.
Leaves: Deeply-lobed (pinnatifid) leaves, stem leaves alternate; lobes linear to oblong or narrowly lanceolate.
Inflorescence: Custers of flowers in racemes at leaf nodes and top of stem; compact but becoming elongated at fruiting; small flowers with four yellow sepals and four yellow petals, all less than 1/10 inch long.
Bloom Period: May to August.
Fruit: About 3/8-inch long or less, erect and appressed (hugging the stem), slightly torulose and attached by stalks about the same length.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, SEINet and American Southwest.
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Colorado Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains