Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum

(Ballhead Waterleaf)


Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum, Kebler Pass, Gunnison Co. 3838


Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum, Kebler Pass, Gunnison Co. 3844


Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum, Kebler Pass, Gunnison Co. 3833

Scientific Name Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum USDA PLANTS Symbol HYCAC
Common Name Ballhead Waterleaf ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 528508
Family Hydrophyllaceae (Water-leaf) SEINet
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Description Life zones and habitat: Foothills and montane (6200 to 10500 ft.); moister soils in forests and open meadows.
Plant: Short perennial 4 to 20 inches tall; solitary or few stems.
Leaves: A few relatively large mainly basal leaves, 1 to 4 inches long, pinnately-divided into 7 to 11 stalkless leaflets; upper leaflets united at bases, the lower ones separate; leaflets usually with 1 or 2 deep incisions or entire and not toothed.
Inflorescence: Several flowers in dense, coiled heads (cymes) well below the leaves on peduncles 0.4 to 2 inches long and often bent back in fruit; the corolla is 0.2 to 0.4 inches long, with 5 white to lavender or purplish blue lobes; 5 long, protruding stamens; 5 calyx lobes with long, stiff hairs.
Blooming period: May to July.
References: "Flora of Colorado" by Jennifer Ackerfield, Montana Plant Life and Central Washington Native Plants.
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© Tom Lebsack 2024

Banner photo: Castilleja rhexifolia and a brewing storm over the San Juan Mountains